Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Selectboard's future plans

     Last Thursday I went to an interesting meeting where I thought I'd be hearing the plans of the Select board's future. It turned out not to be what I thought it was. About 60 people showed up and listened mostly about why the members of the planning commission was not in favor of the Select bard's plan. Audiance was  given 3 minutes each to let them know what theyfeel. To some it was the first time hearing about the idea. The meeting mostly looked like a battle between the Select board and the Planning Commission. Peter Smith brought up some solid points on the way the whole situation was handled. Seems like the process could have been handled a little better by all involved except the school board. Please leave your comments and opinions without name calling. Lets keep it civil Let me know your thoughts are.


1 comment:

  1. The meeting was a public hearing of the school boards request for a subdivision. The rules regarding how this hearing is conducted come from the Vermont Statutes and the rules of procedure. The Planning Commission was taking evidence and asking questions of the Subdividers (the School) regarding their proposed subdivision.
    Steven J. Howard
