Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mount Holly Select Board Minutes {Draft Minutes} 12/10/13

December 10, 2013

Jim Heald called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Raymond Tarbell and Tim Martin were present.
Jim welcomed everyone and requested that speakers identify themselves and keep remarks civil and short.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2013 and the special meetings of November 21 and November 30, 2013 and the garage informational meeting of November 30, 2013 were reviewed. A correction was made to the November 12 minutes. Under the treasurer’s report, the third sentence should read: “Solid Waste revenues are on target and disposal expenses are a little high, but overall in line.” Upon motions made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To approve the minutes of November 12, November 21 and November 30, and the informational meeting minutes of November 30.
2. Highways
 Road and Bridge Standards. – The Board reviewed the State Standards of January 23, 2013. (Adoption means the town receives additional state funding on certain grants.) Upon motion made and seconded, with no further discussion, it was
VOTED: To adopt the January 23, 2013 State Road and Bridge Standards.
 Grader warranty. Jeff presented information on an extended grader warranty, with the possibility of payment delayed until after June 30. Upon motion made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To purchase a warranty extension from 60 to 84 months, at a cost of $5,250, to be paid after June 30.
 New Garage: David contacted the bond attorney to review timelines for bonding requirements. The Resolution and Declaration of Intent (allows project expenses up to 60 days prior to the declaration to be covered in the bond amount) can be voted at the regular January meeting and will meet the bond timeline requirements. The attorney will draw up the necessary paperwork, which needs the date of the required informational meeting. The Board agreed it will be on March 03, the night before the vote. What is the bond amount? The wording of the bond vote must read “not to exceed $(bond amount)”. The amount currently anticipated is $600,000, which includes the School Board’s Letter of Intent amount of $50,000. Is this one payment, or could it be spread out? If one payment, could be in the bond amount, otherwise it would come from the general fund.
3. Treasurer’s Report
 David Johnson presented an income and expense statement dated November 30, 2013 showing cash balances of $2,956,789. Property taxes outstanding are $209,488, which includes two prior year tax sales and a returned check. Current Use payment from the state is $10,000 more than budgeted. Casella’s bill has not arrived, so SW disposal expenses are for 4 months, not 5. Several questions were asked during the report. How much is owed on town equipment (where’s the liability listed). The grader is a lease, so there is only the annual payment; total lease payments remaining are about $200,000. What about the fire engines? The fire department is separate, and funded on a separate line item on the ballot. Current use payment differences? Depends on a state formula, which includes the number of people in current use, the town tax rate and the Common Level of Appraisal (CLA), based on the prior year data.
 Budget Work Session: The Board set the date of January 09, 6:30 pm for the work session. This allows review/changes at the January regular meeting, as well as the final warning meeting on January 23rd.
4. Planning Commission – part 1
 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Barbara Pulling, RRPC
Ms. Pulling explained that the local plan must be updated and approved every 5 years. Mount Holly’s was done in 2009 and is now expired. Previously the local plans were an annex to the Regional Plan. Now FEMA wants each municipality to have its own plan. She is here asking the Select Board to approve a motion of support for the process, as well as recommending volunteers to help with the plan. Funding for this effort is provided by a grant that has already been approved. Typical participants include the Road Foreman, Fire Chief, Town Clerk, and planning/zoning; she has already contacted the Emergency Management Coordinator. Other citizen and business owner participation is encouraged. The timeline is for a couple of meetings to update data and maps (probably in January). The plan then goes to the State for approval, public review process and FEMA approval. It then comes back to the Select Board for final approval. Asked if the town was required to have a plan, Ms. Pulling said it is required for FEMA funding and provides better ERAF (State funding) rates, therefore advantageous to have a plan. The Board tabled naming the list of participants until January meeting. Upon motion made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To approve the following statement: - The Select Board supports the process of reviewing and updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, which will be accomplished with the support of Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) staff and with the engagement of the public.
5. Health Insurance
The billing portion of Vermont Health Connect (VHC) will not be operational for small business plans until sometime next year. The State has mandated that all current insurance plans be continued for three months, with enrollment on VHC by April 1, 2014. BCBS will allow direct enrollment in a VHC plan thru them, starting February 1, and possibly by January 1 because of the HRA funding. (The VHC plans will save the town money.) The Board agreed to pursue the direct enrollment option.
6. Transfer Station:
 Electronics Recycling: RCSWD plans to continue with Good Point Recycling and will take care of any filings required with the State online system. RCSWD will continue to pick up the electronics and consolidate them at the Rutland MRF. The town does not need to do anything and will continue to accept electronics.
 RCSWD Budget: A public meeting on the 2014 Budget will be held December 18, 2013. Details at the Town Office for anyone wishing to attend.
7. Planning Commission – part 2
 The Board took up the tabled vacancy on the Planning Commission. Both candidates (Anna McGee and William McGrath) were present and introduced themselves. Upon motion made and seconded it was
VOTED: To appoint William McGrath to the Planning Commission.
Jim Heald noted this was a difficult decision for the Board and encouraged Anna to be open to further participation with the town.
 The Town was notified that it did not receive a Municipal Planning Grant to support the update of the Town Plan.
 Administrative Officer: Tim Martin stated that the Planning Commission had met with and voted to recommend Nichol Griffin for the position of Administrative Officer. Upon motion made and seconded it was
VOTED: To appoint Nichol Griffin as Administrative Officer for the Town.
8. Star Lake Dam Reconstruction Plan
Ron Unterman, representing Mount Holly Conservation Trust (MHCT) and Friends of Star Lake (FOSL), presented a summary of the Dubois and King report and presentation, which was held November 21. Both the full report and the presentation slides are on the Mount Holly website. (Note: A copy of the presentation slide handout is available at the Town Office. The LPCTV
video of the Nov. 21 meeting is on their website.) There are two design options: first, an overflow spillway with a bridge (similar to current) and second, a drop inlet, which allows an embankment instead of a bridge. MHCT and FOSL would like to do a lot of dredging in the beach area and bring the lake up to historic levels. Adding the cost of dredging ($140,000) brings the cost of the two options to $790,000 and $490,000 respectively. MHCT has chosen the drop inlet design; FOSL has the funds to accomplish that option. The Town, as the owner of the dam, will need to sign any project paperwork. The Fire Chief expressed concern about the two hydrants, which must meet certain optimum gallons to meet State requirements, and will need to be addressed in the final design. There were several questions related to the culvert at the end of the outlet, which goes under Belmont Road. State Engineering and ANR believe the culvert is sufficient, up to 5 ½ or 6” of rain. Ray Tarbell noted that members of the community are concerned about the structure. While it may be sufficient, it is deteriorating and will need to be replaced sooner rather than later, and will be very expensive to replace.
9. Select Board Expansion
At various times and meetings in the past, it has been proposed to expand the Select Board from the current 3 to 5 members. At this meeting, upon motion made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To put a proposal on the March 2014 ballot to expand the Select Board from the current three (3) members to five (5) members.
10. Other Business
 Diana Garrow presented the appropriation request for the ChitChat. This year, the request has been increased $500, to a total of $2,500. She requested that the request be a separate line item on the ballot, rather than in the large appropriation request.
 Tarbelville Cemetery: A large branch of one of the two big pine trees has fallen and caused some damage to several tombstones (Dennis Devereux will repair the damage) and the town has received a bid of $2,800 to remove the trees. There was a possibility of getting the required crane by Friday, but the Board felt that the custodian of the Goodell lot should be contacted (the trees are in that lot) for participation in the cost of removal before approving the hiring of the crane. The Board agreed that the trees need to come down.
 The After School Program appropriation request was received, with an increase of $500 to $6,500. It was noted that about half of the other appropriation requests have been received.
 The Town received information that Aquatic Nuisance Control grants are available, with applications due 02/05/14 via the online system. Ninevah Foundation and FOSL have been notified.
 Rutland County 2014-2015 Budget public meetings will be on 12/19 and 01/23. Information available at the Town Office.
 Mount Holly Newsflash has requested a copy of the Select Board minutes be sent to them when available. The minutes would need to be in pdf format, as Randy cannot access Word documents, which would be a non-standard format. It must be ascertained if both formats would need to be archived.
 Ray Tarbell noted that the small portion of Class 4 road added off Healdville Road (to Ron Unterman’s property) needs a name.
11. The Board reviewed and signed the November orders for payment.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Rivers
Minutes are DRAFT until approved at a Select Board meeting. Approved on: __________________

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