Tuesday, November 18, 2014


NOVEMBER 11, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Jim Heald. Raymond Tarbell and Tim Martin were
present. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim welcomed everyone and requested that
speakers raise their hand to be recognized, state their name and keep remarks civil and short.
1. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda: There were two additions to the agenda:
 Minutes: Correction: minutes are for October 21, not September 21
 Other: Star Lake Dam update
 Other: ATV Issue
2. Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of October 14 and the special meeting of October
21were sent out before the meeting for review. There were no corrections or additions. Upon
motions made and seconded it was
VOTED: To approve the October 14 minutes. (3-0)
VOTED: To approve the October 21 minutes. (3-0)
3. Highways
 Fuel Suppliers: Jim Heald reviewed the issues and discussion of the special meeting held
October 21. The diesel tank will be moved up to the new garage area and a new pump installed.
The Fire Dept. and School (for the buses) have agreed to contribute to the cost. Marcells Oil will
be the new supplier of diesel; also fuel oil for the town office. Jim has contacted their
recommended providers of oil burner service.
 New Garage: Almost everything from the old garage has been moved in.
 Old Garage. Jim suggested selling the old building, maybe on EBay or the Newsflash. He would
like to unload it before winter, after the furnace is shut down and the water shut off. During
discussion, several points were made. 1) The sale of the building would require that the building
be removed. 2) Whoever buys it, must have proper liability insurance for the removal. 3) The
concrete pad would remain, but could be covered by stone or ground. Removal would be very
expensive, as all concrete is considered hazardous waste. Upon motion made and seconded, it
VOTED: To move forward with the sale of the old garage building. (3-0)
 Radio communications: In order for the town office to be able to contact the road crew, we
would need to install a base unit here ($800-900) or provide a VTel line for remote
communications ($24/month). After discussion, the Board agreed to have a handheld radio,
which we currently have, to be here at the office for now.
 Propane: The new garage has a propane boiler as backup to the wood boiler. Cota and Cota are
providing the propane. The Board had discussed moving all town propane to Cota and Cota
(including for the generators at the two Fire Stations), and not continue with Irving. Upon
motions made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To write a letter to Irving discontinuing all fuel delivery and services to the
Town Office and Garage. (3-0)
VOTED: To contract with Cota and Cota for Town Office propane delivery and service.
The Fire Dept. will contact Cota and Cota separately for their account.
4. Report of Treasurer
 David Johnson presented an income and expense statement dated October 31, 2014 showing cash
balances of $3,393,745. The Fowler Brook Rd culvert funds will go back to the General Fund (expenses were paid from there). The remaining Bond Proceeds and some General Fund monies
will be used to pay the final Josselyn Bros. bill for the additional work outside the contract (pole
barn). Outstanding property taxes are about $182,000, down slightly from last year at this time
($187,000). No check yet for the metal pull from the transfer station. A few other expenses were
noted, but nothing out of line with the budget.
 New Truck status: The new truck is at Fairfield, should be delivered in mid-December.
 External Audit: David reported that Jeff Bradley had visited and pickup copies of what he needed
to get the audit started. He reviewed the HRA and garage and bond accounting and agreed with
it. He will be back to get the fire dept. and rescue information.
5. Transfer Station
 The Board asked Jeff to contact RCSWD regarding the unit-based pricing which is required
starting July 1, 2015. There is a meeting on this in Rutland and Ludlow on Wednesday, Nov. 12.
6. Insurance
 Health Reimbursement Account (HRA): Last year the Town set up an HRA to provide support
for medical related deductibles and co-insurance. The Board was asked to consider allowing the
funds to be used for prescription co-pays starting January 1. This will require a change to the
plan, which must be renewed at this time. Upon motion made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To amend the HRA plan to allow prescription co-pays to be covered. (3-0)
 The Board discussed the health insurance last month, but had not formally voted on it. Upon
motions made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To support 2015 Health Insurance premiums equal to the BCBS Standard
Platinum Plan amounts for single, two-person and family coverages. Employees may
choose any plan they wish within the Exchange plans. (3-0)
VOTED: To support the HRA at the level of $600 for one-person, $1200 for two-person
and family coverages. (3-0)
7. Planning Commission
 Two terms end in November 2014. Two people (the incumbents) have expressed an interest in
the terms. Upon motions made and seconded, it was
VOTED: To appoint Michael Valente and William McGrath to new three year terms,
expiring November 2017. (3-0)
8. Other Business
 VLCT notified the town that the Unemployment Insurance Trust and the Health Trust would be
merging into one, the Employment Resource and Benefits Trust (VERB) as of January 1, 2015.
The new trust will cover the same services as the prior two, and will be adding human resource
management and employee welfare benefit programs and services.
 Star Lake Dam Update: Ron Unterman presented information on the new overtopping dam
design, which is expected to be presented to the State Dec 1. At this time it is expected that
construction will be done next summer. There is an issue of the dredging spoils (3-4000 yards).
The Army Corp of Engineers must approve where they are going. Several options may not work,
as they are considered phantom wetlands. An agricultural exemption may be possible. FOSL
may ask via the Newsflash for anyone who can take 500-1000 yards, which the Board did not
object to.
 ATV Issue: Ron Unterman presented some thoughts on the ATV Ordinance issue. A group of
residents put together a revised ordinance proposal which they felt would close some gaps in the
draft presented a couple of months ago. These areas include: clarify the process to open roads,
clarify the process to register ATV’s, enforcement of the ordinance, and education of the public
about the ordinance. A copy of the revision was given to each of the Selectmen (a copy is also
available at the Town Office).  Snowdrifters asked if they could buy fuel for the groomers from the town. The town is not
allowed to sell fuel (not a licensed dealer). The request was denied.
9. The Board reviewed and signed the October orders for payment.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion made, seconded and approved, at
8:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Rivers
Minutes are DRAFT until approved at a Select Board meeting. Approved on: __________________

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