Monday, June 15, 2015


JUNE 09, 2015

 The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Ted Crawford, chair. Ray Tarbell and Tim Martin were present. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

 1. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda: The Cider Days road closure item was postponed until the July meeting. There were as number of additions to the Agenda, one under Highways (winter sand bids) and several under Other (one regarding the Rutland Dispatch changes, and several notification items. 
2. Minutes:  The minutes of the regular meeting of May 12 were sent out before the meeting for review. David Johnson had noted that the bond payment request was from the Town of Ludlow, not the TRSU. Upon motions made and seconded it was VOTED: To approve the May 12 minutes, as amended. (3-0) 
3. Rutland Regional Planning Commission – presentation on The Bus Minga Dana presented information on the Marble Valley Regional Transit District (The Bus), which celebrates its 40th anniversary later this year. The agency provides public transportation thru out Rutland County with connecting routes to Middlebury, Manchester, and Springfield, via Ludlow. The agency provided 700,000 rides in the last fiscal year, one-third of which were in and around Killington during the winter. Minga left copies of the schedules at the town office as well as contact information for her for any further questions.
 4. Rutland Dispatch Center Don Patch updated the Board on the closing of the State Rutland Dispatch center, consolidating 4 PSAPs into 2, as of September 15th. This will affect fire, rescue and constable dispatching. The agencies could continue to use the State center (which will be Rockingham) at little or no cost. The agencies could set up a local dispatch center (estimated annual operating cost of $1.1 million), costs to be covered by the agencies using it. There is no default position; a decision must be made. Downside concerns have been loss of local knowledge (less of an issue now with GPS/mapping technology) and loss of local jobs (14 positions in the 2 closing centers will likely be accomplished thru attrition rather than layoffs). The Selectboard will be contacting the three Mount Holly agencies regarding this. 
5. Highways  The Town did not get a State paving grant this year, so paving will be done to the level in the budget. The board opened bids from Fuller ($62/ton) and Pike ($66.95/ton). Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To award the paving bid to Fuller. (3-0) Jeff noted that the handicapped space at the town office will be paved at the same time. 
 Bridge Inspection Reports were received from the State. This is the last year for hardcopy reports. The State will only put reports up on the online system. Jeff noted that the next bridge due for repair is the Austria House bridge (Bowlsville Rd), in 2017. It may be cheaper to make Gates Rd or Bowlsville Rd passible for traffic during the bridge repair. 
 Road Foreman: Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To appoint Jeff Teter as Road Foreman for FY2016. (3-0)  
Winter Sand: Jeff had received quotes from Pike (9.44/yd), Markowski ($10.50/yd) and Wallingford (9.31/yd). He recommended getting 1500 yds of sand from Pike (for quality), 500 yds of 3/8 stone to mix with it, and trucking to be done by Either ($3.50/yd) for a total cost of $29,520. Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To proceed with sand purchase and trucking as recommended by Jeff. (3-0) 
6. Report of Treasurer  David Johnson presented an income and expense statement dated May 31, 2015 showing cash balances of $1,311,589. Property taxes still outstanding are about $41,000 for 17 properties. Tax sales are proceeding on 11, 3 are on a payment plan, and 3 cannot be acted upon this year due to foreclosure and/or prior years unredeemed. The Town received $27,150 from FEMA for the December storm damage; we expect to receive the 12/5% ERAF portion from the State. Solid Waste revenue (label sales) is $18,454 thru May; we will be below budget for the year. Appraisal services are over budget, with more to come. The Summer Road budget will be managed carefully due to the over budget on the Winter Road expenses. The Town sends an additional $666,000 above what is needed for our school to the State Education Fund. Ted Crawford felt this needed to be emphasized more, especially in regards to the small school grants being dropped. 
 Homestead Penalties – The State allows municipalities to levy or waive penalties for late filers of the Homestead Declaration which result in the incorrect tax rate (resident/non-resident) being applied on the property tax bills. Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To waive the late filing penalties for FY2016. (3-0)  
Setting the Tax Rate – It appears that no special meeting will be needed; the tax rate can be set at the next regular meeting of the Selectboard. Bills are expected to be mailed July 27th, with the discount due date of August 30. 
 Propane Purchase – Upon review of proposals from Cota and Cota, there does not appear to be any advantage for the Town to purchase price protection for the coming year. 
7. Star Lake Dam Reconstruction Project – Ron Unterman 
   Money: All necessary money is in place, and even beyond the expected amount, with donations from 265 people.  
Permits: 1) The Army Corps permit has been received. 
2) The Dam Safety permit is on track. 
3) The Lake Encroachment permit application is in and seems to be okay.  Contract: Not yet signed, but the Notice of Award allowed Casella to order necessary materials ahead of time. Contract signing expected on June 15th , with August 3rd as the expected date of the start of construction. Casella will likely start taking trees down before then. 
 Canoes: No one has yet taken any away. (All canoes at the beach area will need to be removed.) 
8. Transfer Station –  Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection: Saturday, June 27, 8am to Noon 
 Leaf and Yard Debris – Per Act 148, the Town must accept ‘leaf and yard debris’ at the transfer station starting July 1. (Leaf and Yard Debris means compostable untreated vegetative matter such as grass clippings, leaves, kraft paper bags and brush 1 inch in diameter or smaller.) Discussion noted that most people in rural towns mulch their grass clippings and/or have a corner of the yard where such materials are piled and essentially composted. Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To set the charges for leaf and yard debris as follows: 2 stickers per bag, 15 stickers per pickup truck (no extended side walls), 30 stickers for trucks larger than pickup size. No plastic bags; material brought in plastic bags must be dumped out into the designated area. (3-0)  This will be reviewed in 60 days. 
9. Planning Commission  RR Transportation Council report – Nothing requiring Selectboard attention this month. 
 Appointments: RRPC – Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: to appoint Don Richardson as the Town’s Commissioner to the RRPC. There was no alternate appointed. RRTC – Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: to appoint David Hoeh as the Town’s Representative and Don Richardson as the Alternate Representative to the RRTC.
 10. Cell Phone and Internet Access Ted Crawford reported that the pole on Healdville Rd is for fiber optics, not cell. AT&T has no plans to build a cell tower. VTel says that a tower is going up, but no carriers yet. He also noted that the Town’s 2001 Ordinance on Telecommunications is outdated both due to technology changes and regulations at the state level. Because we have no zoning, there is no local process allowed. Telecommunications issues are handled by the Public Service Board (PSB), although the town itself can go to the PSB. 
11. Other Business 
 BCBS is seeking a 7.5% rate increase in health insurance premiums for 2016.  Aquatic Nuisance Grant – The Board signed the Grant Agreement, which is for Lake Ninevah.  
Community First Aid Discussion Group – Don Richardson will be leading a series of discussions on first-aid related topics (based on participants’ interests) on Monday evenings starting in July. These will be at the church or the library (alternating). More information will be in the ChitChat and Newsflash, or contact Don.  
Town Office Water Supply – As part of getting a second opinion for a water problem at the rescue squad building, it was determined that there is a common source well for the three buildings (town office, rescue, fire). Testing showed there is no E.coli problem, just a bad smell that seems to be mostly at the rescue building, and related to the hot water heater. Jeff noted that is common in water heaters and is usually solved by chlorinating the tank. 
 New England Clean Power Link (the high voltage line planned to run under Route 103) – the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is available. Ted Crawford noted that there is an excellent short summary of the project. 
 VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation will be working on the Healdville Trail this year.  VELCO will be installing weather-tracking equipment on a tower on Okemo Mountain. 
12. Executive Session At 9:01pm, upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To enter Executive Session for the purpose of wage review of highway employees. Jeff Teter was invited to join the session. At 9:17 pm the Board returned from Executive Session and upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To return to regular session. The Chair reported that the Board agreed to a $.50 per hour raise for all highway personnel and to provide one additional week of vacation for 30 years of service. 
13. The Board reviewed and signed the May orders for payment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion made, seconded and approved, at 9:20 pm. 
Respectfully submitted, Rhonda Rivers Minutes are DRAFT until approved at a Select Board meeting. Approved on: __________________

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