Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Keep Standing Up!!!

Keep Standing Up!!! 

       I have been feeling a lot of things since “he who shall not be named” apparently won the nomination to be the 45th President of our United States.  I have been largely scared, frustrated, confused and now, more angry than anything else.  Over the past 2 months or so, what we have heard, watched and read regarding this man has been repulsive, shameful, embarrassing, incredulous and surreal.  The word ‘unprecedented’ has been used quite often in response to what he says or does and seems to translate to,  ‘weird, different, but somehow within the realm of what we are willing to accept’. 
     This is where I take the fork in the road.  Very little of what this man has said or done is acceptable on any level.  None of his cabinet nominations are even close to acceptable and in fact are offensive to those who believe in a free and equal state.  His tweeting responses to people who disagree with him are not acceptable for a human being of good conscience and decency, much less a President of the United States!  His clear tendency to censor those who speak out against him through the implication of retaliation speaks to a dictatorship, absolute monarchy or an oligarchy, but not to a nation that stands on the principles of democracy or even to a man who holds himself to some standard of mature integrity.  His possibly treasonous ‘relationship’ with the Russians (are we kidding here?) and his ‘questionable’ financial dealings speak to the man’s lack of character and poor judgment at best.  His refusal to follow the rules of the office in regards to truly divesting of his business interests tell us he has no real interest in functioning as a Public Servant.   His impulsive, egotistical ‘promises’ to dismantle healthcare, entitlements and women’s rights programs without any demonstrable replacements speak directly to his complete lack of attunement and concern for the needs of a large percentage of our citizenry.  His attitude towards immigrants, historically the backbone of our nation, speaks to his lack of compassion and inability to empathize or even understand the human condition on a global level.  These are just the things that come to mind instantly.
    What more information and evidence do we need?   The biggest mistake we can make now is letting this man step one foot into the White House at all.   Once he is in there, it is all an uphill battle for the American people.  Getting him impeached just leaves us with Mike Pence (at least as bad) and whatever dregs of humanity have already gotten through the front door as his cabinet.  This has gone too far.  There is no more time to wait for someone to take action.
     It is imperative, if this nation is to survive intact, that we put pressure on the Supreme Court to end this charade.  It is within their constitutional power to recognize the illegitimacy of this election and call for a new one.  Ample questions have arisen even without specific evidence to call for a new election.  Are we really going to allow someone into the Oval Office that is even possibly guilty of treason, not to mention the inexcusable character flaws and the behavior and judgment of a defiant teenager?  In more reasonable times, if we were vetting someone for a cabinet position and the question of treason came up even without the evidence to prove it, is it likely they would actually be allowed into the White House?  People are put on the ‘No Fly List’ all the time with less information than we have on our President Elect.  Our policy has been not to take the risk.   What are we doing?!!!  STAND UP NOW!
Please call you Congressmen and Senators Now!! Ask them to Stand Up to this insanity and require the Supreme Court to fulfill their Constitutional obligation!!!

Karin Bar-Zeev
Brevard, NC

1 comment:

  1. Trump Won. Get over it and support our President!
