Monday, July 20, 2015


 JULY 14, 2015 

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Ted Crawford, chair. Ray Tarbell and Tim Martin were present. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

 1. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda: There were three additions to the Agenda, one under Treasurer’s Report (request from U39) Transfer Station (personnel review) and an update on the Rutland Dispatch (PSAP) changes. Ted immediately gave the update on the PSAPs. Fire and the constable are leaning toward continuing with the State Dispatch, which is moving to Rockingham. Rescue will be talking to the Sheriff’s Dept., which is considering setting up its own program with costs paid by the entities using it, before deciding to go there or Rockingham. Don Patch noted that the legislators are considering charging for the State Dispatch services (which have been essentially free up to now). He suggested that the Town start planning for this, and prepare to add money to the budget to cover it.
2. Minutes:  The minutes of the regular meeting of June 09 were sent out before the meeting for review. Upon motions made and seconded it was VOTED: To approve the June 09 minutes. (3-0)
3. Highways  The Town’s entry in the Federal SAM (System for Award Management) system has been updated, and is now valid thru July 06, 2016. (A valid active entry is required to receive federal government money such as FEMA grants.)
 Maple Hill Road closure during Cider Days: Morgan Skiathitis from MHCA asked to Board to agree to the closure, which would be the same as last year (from the green to the split with Straight Rd). She noted that the closure worked well last year and that the constable and road foreman were okay with it. Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To allow the closure of Maple Hill Rd during Cider Days. (3-0)
 The Town received notice from VT ANR of the Vermont Clean Water Act requirements, which went in to effect on July 01, 2015. This legislation eliminated municipal exemptions for a number of permits/fees. Those that may affect the Town include Lake Encroachment permits, Stormwater permits, Stream Alteration permits, and Wetlands Fees.
4. Report of Treasurer  David Johnson presented an income and expense statement dated June 30, 2015 showing cash balances of $630,466. Property taxes still outstanding are about $2,851 for 2 properties. Six (6) properties were sold at tax sales; 2 cannot be acted upon this year due to bankruptcy and/or prior years unredeemed. On the balance sheet, David noted that he will contact the auditor for how he would like the garage bond payment accounting done. Several income items came in slightly over budget (interest on delinquent taxes, forestry receipts). Solid Waste revenue (label sales) is about $1700 below budget for the year. SW expenses will be about $2600 over budget, after the transfer of some equipment (purchase) funds. Overall employee benefits are under budget. Highway expenses are over budget, even though some of the winter materials and hauling done in June could be considered as pre-paid expenses for next year. The Packer Rd upgrade budgeted amount will be carried forward into this year.  Financial Management Checklist – Per Vermont statutes, David provided the Checklist, which was sent out previously to the Selectboard for review. The Board signed a form to indicate they had received and reviewed the checklist, also required by VT statutes.  Request from U39 – The Town usually makes an advance to U39 to cover summer expenses until taxes come in; this year’s request is a little earlier than usual. The Board agreed and directed David to make the advance.  Tax Rate – David reviewed the education tax rates set by the State and the calculation for the municipal and local agreement (exemptions such as veterans and the Odd Fellows Hall). Upon motion made and seconded it was VOTED: To approve the residential tax rate at 1.9263 per hundred of valuation and the non-residential tax rate at 1.7117 per hundred of valuation. (3-0) David noted that NEMRC will be here on 7/23 to program the computers. Tax bills are expected to be mailed 7/27, and the discount date will be 8/27. 5. Star Lake Dam Reconstruction Project – Ron Unterman
 Permits: 1) The Army Corps permit has been received.
                  2) The Dam Safety permit is on track.
                  3) Two Lake Encroachment permits (one for moving the boat launch and the other for the beach dredging) seem to be on track.
                  4) The Wetlands permit for the beach dredging will not be available until late August. Ron noted that work can proceed up to that for which the permits are needed. He also noted that FOSL had contacted our state legislators, ANR, DEC asking for help in expediting the permits and particularly noted a very nice letter or support from McCormack.
 Canoes: Deadline is tomorrow. MHCT will take away all the canoes and store them. Ron asked the Board’s permission to sell them to raise additional funds for the dam project. Don Patch noted that abandoned property must go thru the Secretary of State’s office, and sale would require public notice. Ron will contact the SOS office and determine what is necessary.
 MHCT would like to have a plaque in memory of Patricia Nye embedded in the concrete of the new dam. It was Pat’s generous donation that has allowed the dam project to happen. The Board agreed unanimously.
6. Transfer Station –  Leaf and Yard Debris –Jeff noted that the compartments are set up, nothing has come in yet.
 Don Patch suggested that if the prescription drug collection that was at the HHW collection be better advertised, and encouraged everyone to use the program rather than keep unused/leftover drugs around the house. This year, no one knew that the drug collection would be at the HHW collection. It was also noted that Ludlow Police Dept. maintains a collection drop box that is always available.
 This Board deferred the personnel review until Executive Session at the end. 7. Emergency Management Coordinator
 The SB discussed the need for “new blood” serving on various town committees and positions and wants younger people to get involved. In discussing the Emergency Management Coordinator position the SB decided to follow up with the Rescue Squad and Fire Department in hopes of finding a qualified candidate who is not currently serving in any capacity for the Town. 8. Planning Commission
 RR Planning Commission – David Hoeh reported that the last meeting was primarily on the accelerated bridge program that the State will be using when possible. The RRPC has also drafted solar siting guidelines for communities to use. These guidelines would apply to commercial sites (above 15 KW) not residential sites.
 RR Transportation Council report – Also covered the accelerated bridge program. The Killington Bridge project, previously discussed and expected to be done in 2017, will use this. This will result in traffic being diverted to Route 103 for a few weeks.
  Municipal Planning Grants: The Town received notice that the grants are available , with applications due by September 30, 2015. The information has been forwarded on to the Planning Commission.
9. Cell Phone and Internet Access
 Ted Crawford asked that the Board consider rescinding the Town’s Telecommunications Ordinance, adopted in October 2001, as it has no relevance to today’s permitting process. Upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To repeal the 2001 Telecommunications Ordinance. (3-0) This starts a process similar to the adoption process, with public notice required within 14 days, as outlined in Vermont statutes.
 Ted also provided information that an independent carrier may be planning a cell tower in town, but had been asked by the property owner to not identify where at this time. Don Patch suggested that the town ask to have space left on the town for possible future fire/rescue usage for dispatching. 10. Other Business  Municipal Park and Ride grants are available for 2016; however the Town has no property that it owns that would meet the requirements.  The Town received Guidance on Property Tax Calculation regarding the New England Clean Power Link Project (electric transmission line under Route 103). This has been passed on to the Listers.
  Odd Fellows have requested that the Town prune trees/limbs that are getting near the building again (town-owned land). Ron noted that at least two of them will come down as part of the dam project, so the Board agreed to wait until then to work on the request.
 Town Office paining proposal – The Town received a proposal for painting the Town Office, for $3800. It was not clear why this proposal had come in to the town. The Board took no action on the proposal.
11. Executive Session At 8:34pm, upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To enter Executive Session for the purpose of wage review of transfer station employees. Jeff Teter was invited to join the session. At 8:39 pm the Board returned from Executive Session and upon motion made and seconded, it was VOTED: To return to regular session. The Chair reported that the Board agreed to a $.50 per hour raise for all transfer station personnel. 
12. The Board reviewed and signed the June orders for payment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion made, seconded and approved, at 8:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Rhonda Rivers Minutes are DRAFT until approved at a Select Board meeting. Approved on: __________________

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